Free Range Pork

The pigs that produce Blythburgh Free Range Pork are born outside and spend their entire lives outdoors in the fresh air, with freedom to roam in large paddocks, rooting around in our sandy Suffolk soil and playing with their peers.

They have shelter when they need it, in the form of large airy tented barns in each paddock with plenty of bedding straw.  This extra space and activity not only ensures a vastly improved standard of living and welfare, but also results in the pigs growing at a slower rate, for the simple reason that they are burning off more calories than a pig enclosed in a concrete pen for all of it's life.

By growing at a much slower, more natural rate, Blythburgh Free Range Pork acquires a traditional flavour and succulence that has been largely forgotten in today's mass produced pork.  

Blythburgh pork

Read our meet the producer blog to find out more about these lovingly reared pigs.

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